Introverts – Get out of your Comfort Zone

Many people are introverts, and that’s fine. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just their personality. A recent MBTI personality evaluation test revealed that there is a population split (in the US) of approximately 50% introverts and 50% extroverts. That seem pretty even on...

Gratitude – Part 1

“There will be no one like us when we are gone, but then there is no one like anyone else, ever. When people die, they cannot be replaced. They leave holes that cannot be filled, for it is the fate-the genetic and neural fate-of every human being to be a unique...

A Happy Life after Childbirth

“Happy wife, happy life?”. We hear that phrase thrown around and for me, it’s dangerous. It doesn’t rhyme nearly as well but I believe the phrase should be more like “Happy individual, happy couple, healthy relationships, happy and healthy kids”. Kind of rolls off the...

The Power of Forgiveness

Most of us have the intention of doing things that are good for us, and when we don’t do those things sometimes our lives become more difficult. When we eat healthy, we feel good. When we exercise we feel strong. When we love we feel warmth. When we forgive, we...

Self Criticism

Self-Critique or Beating Yourself Up?   It’s really easy to develop goals, and aspire to self-betterment – what’s not always easy is following through on that. Often, when we fail to achieve precisely what we want, in sometimes an unrealistic time frame, we can place...