A Better Me and a New Woman

I have recently become infatuated with a new woman. She is beautiful, she is funny, and she is clever. She is everything that I could possibly want. Isn’t it crazy, you wait what seems like years for the perfect woman to come along, and then one finally turns up. I’m...

Transactional Analysis

Sometimes we could all do with being more aware of the way we talk to people and how people talk to us. I’m going to get heavy on the psychology of transactions between individuals in today’s blog, this is because I often see people asking how they can read situations...

Motivation or Discipline, Why Not Both?

This is a classic issue for millions of people all around the globe, how do you get motivated? Where does that motivation come from, how do you keep it and what do you do if it disappears? Motivation is dictated by two variables, your why and your discipline. Your why...